Stress Test World vs. World
In the short 7 hours we all got to play on Monday, VI decided to spend most of it in World vs. World PVP. It's amazing how great MMO PVP can be when there's no silly PVP stat or gear. I'm looking at you valor, resilience, or whatever the hell else devs are stupid enough to continuously implement. Also the fact that there's no trinity eliminates the whole "whichever side has more healers always wins" nonsense that constantly happens.
With the way the world PVP map is set up, there's so much a small group of organized individuals can accomplish. We decided to avoid the inevitable zergs and focus on capturing supply mules, smaller forts, and outposts. After taking a small fort, we were able to hold off a large contingency of around 20 players with just 5. Had we used proper defenses such as arrow carts (which are ridiculous btw), we could have held off the invasion for a long time. As it stood, we were able to stand our ground for a solid 30 minutes before we were compromised.
It was an absolute blast finally playing a skill and tactics based game as apposed to a gear and numbers based one. Once the game goes live and tactics along with alliances are hammered out, i have no doubts that this game with have one of the best PVP experiences ever.